I have missed my blog since the house situation was resolved. I contemplated what to do with it for quite a while before and after the foreclosure, and to be honest, after the house sale fell through I needed a break from telling that story.
Now, I've decided to tweak the focus here, and keep on bloggin'.
If you notice, I've renamed the blog "Home." Our foreclosure journey is still a key part of the blog, since it's a key part of our story, but it is no longer the focus. I've labeled the main posts from that time-frame "The Path to Now," and you can access it through the tab at the top or by clicking on the labels on the right.
The process of losing a beloved home, reassessing priorities, and reaffirming values has made me really think long and hard about what home is to me, what kind of home I want to create for our children, and what it entails to create that home.
So, that's what this blog is now about. HOME.
Posts by me, and hopefully some amazing guest writers, on all things to do with HOME: finances, family relationships, shopping, decorating, whatever! Don't worry, this will not become some perfectionist's ideal of a perfect home - because I am NOT a perfectionist's ideal of a perfect homemaker. Far from it.
Here's proof - a photo of my living room right now.
Christmas decorations still up after New Year's. Kids' toys EVERYWHERE. See those beady, glowing eyes? That's the dog sleeping on the blankets I just pulled from the dryer. On the right is a crib mattress leaned against the wall, and just out of sight along the hallway wall is a toddler bed, and various other pieces of furniture that we removed from the girls' rooms last weekend. I intentionally did not share a picture of the kitchen (yes, it's that bad at the moment!). And out of sight around the corner is our little entry way, currently overflowing with shoes, coats and goodness-knows what else the kids' (and I, ahem) have dumped there recently. So, really - NOT a perfectionist's ideal.
Just one mom's perspective on what it takes to keep our family, keep our home, moving forward - good and bad. I hope you enjoy what I share, and as always I love getting feedback, so drop me a note or leave a comment if you have something to share!
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